Windows Update in Endless Loop of 'Installing updates" and "Undoing changes" on New Windows 8.1 Pro Install

I am setting new Windows 8.1 Pro computers, and am installing Windows 8.1 Pro to bare drives.  Everything goes fine until Windows Update starts installing updates, and then the computer goes for hours installing updates, and then "We could not complete the updates Undoing changes".   It's an endless loop. It seems to be the same 38 updates.  This is a recent phenomenon.  I have not run into this until the last week or two on several new computer installs.

Again these are brand new installs, so something is clearly wrong with the Windows updates.

If anyone can please tell me how to avoid this, it would be much appreciated.


February 17th, 2015 7:30pm

Windows Update Troubleshooting Guide - Windows 8.1
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 17th, 2015 8:17pm

Thank you for the Windows Update Troubleshooting Guide.  Since this has happened on four computers in a row, I would was looking for a more specific solution.  If I have to run a troubleshooting steps for every new computer, I'll never get them done.


February 17th, 2015 8:37pm

Hi Michael,

"  This is a recent phenomenon"
Have you made any modifications to the machines ?

To resolve this issue ,running the built-in troubleshoot tool is a very good beginning .It will automatically diagnostic the windows update components and check the configurations for us .
 Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Troubleshooting\Fix problems with Windows Update

If there are antivirus software installed in these machines, please turn off them temporarily to have a check.

The command line included in the link as S.Sengupta posted is very useful and convenient to repair the windows corrupted files .We can have a try .
"sfc /scannow" ,"DISM.EXE /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth "

We also can check the windowsupdate.log for more information to troubleshoot this issue .
 Run "windowsupdate.log"
If you have trouble in analyzing the log ,please upload them to the OneDrive and paste the link here .

Best regards

  • Edited by MeipoXu 5 hours 21 minutes ago
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 19th, 2015 1:22am

Hi Michael,

"  This is a recent phenomenon"
Have you made any modifications to the machines ?

To resolve this issue ,running the built-in troubleshoot tool is a very good beginning .It will automatically diagnostic the windows update components and check the configurations for us .
 Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Troubleshooting\Fix problems with Windows Update

If there are antivirus software installed in these machines, please turn off them temporarily to have a check.

The command line included in the link as S.Sengupta posted is very useful and convenient to repair the windows corrupted files .We can have a try .
"sfc /scannow" ,"DISM.EXE /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth "

We also can check the windowsupdate.log for more information to troubleshoot this issue .
 Run "windowsupdate.log"
If you have trouble in analyzing the log ,please upload them to the OneDrive and paste the link here .

Best regards

  • Edited by MeipoXu Thursday, February 19, 2015 6:23 AM
February 19th, 2015 9:17am

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